Dev Blog

Hi, this is the Stranded III development blog (see also Forum Thread, Comment Thread).

Overview (115 Entries)

Entry 49 - RiCe Of The Watermelon - July 3, 2016

Again no update on code/game stuff but I have some new assets to show.

A delicious watermelon. Great food for hungry and thirsty castaways!

> click to enlarge

If you have an item with good cutting abilities you can even slice your melon so you don't have to eat the whole thing at once:

> click to enlarge

Rice Plant
I want to have cereal in the game but I also want it to be at least a bit more realistic than Stranded II. The stuff is simply called "grain" there and the model resembles something which might be some kind of wheat. The problem with this is that Stranded III (like II) takes places in the southern hemisphere / tropical regions and wheat doesn't really grow there. Therefore I decided to choose a cereal which is more likely to grow there: Rice.

> click to enlarge

Other cereals I plan to add later is corn and sorghum / millet.


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